Вечеринка: Uri Shaham with special guests Billy Cofrances, Gil Hawkins Jr., Jake Epstein and Morris Trent

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Uri Shaham with special guests Billy Cofrances, Gil Hawkins Jr., Jake Epstein and Morris Trent

Клуб: The 9th Note

Пойдёт: 0
Дата: 03.01.2015 20:00
Адрес: 56 Orange St, New Haven, United States | покажи на карте »

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Denny Tsettos @ Truth 1/3 22:00 @ 4Sixty6

Вечеринка: Uri Shaham with special guests Billy Cofrances, Gil Hawkins Jr., Jake Epstein and Morris Trent

Uri Shaham - Leader/Piano, Jake Epstein - Sax/Flute, Billy Cofrances - Saxophone, Morris Trent - Bass, Gil Hawkins Jr. - Drums and special guests. Sit in on vocals or instrument for the second and third sets.

$5 cover.