In February 1879, the Irish Rugby Football Union was formed, and listed Poratadown as an affiliated...
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In February 1879, the Irish Rugby Football Union was formed, and listed Poratadown as an affiliated club, with Thomas John (TJ) Collen as the honorary secretary.
Wednesday 4 September 1963 has gone down in the annals of Portadown Rugby Club’s history. Several hundred spectators turned up to see the local side take on Ulster in the first match on Chambers Park, the towns magnificent new playing fields on the Lurgan Road. 1979 saw the club celebrate it’s centenary year, and saw the election of international player, Charlie Murtagh as club captain. Onwards and upwards
Throughout the years, Portadown Rugby Club has remained a bastion of normality and civility through all the trying social and political circumstances, which have been a blemish on our society. Regardless of colour, race or creed, Portadown RFC has promoted friendship, fair play and competition among our players, local community and peers. It is our aim to continue to promote this spirit and strive for improvement long into the new millennium.
McQ's @ The Park Details:
Wednesday to Friday Lunches 12pm to 4pm & A La Carte 5pm to 9pm
Saturday Breakfast 9am to 11:30am, Lunch 12pm to 4pm & A La Carte 5pm to 9pm
Sunday Lunch 12pm to 4pm (starter & main course £9.95) & A La Carte 5pm to 9pm