Вечеринка: Upstairs Show! w/ Blue Crime (Amsterdam), Fever Feels, The OKGB (Victoria)

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Upstairs Show! w/ Blue Crime (Amsterdam), Fever Feels, The OKGB (Victoria)

Клуб: Nite Owl

Пойдёт: 1
Дата: 07.07.2016 20:00
Адрес: 213 10 Ave SW, Calgary, Canada | покажи на карте »

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Вечеринка: Upstairs Show! w/ Blue Crime (Amsterdam), Fever Feels, The OKGB (Victoria)

$8 in Advance from Ticketfly: https://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/1241221?utm_medium=bks

Doors 8pm, Upstairs

'Can I get it back, soft intruder, call of the wild...'

BLUE CRIME was born in an Amsterdam bunker. An experimental four-piece. A trip from the disarming to the wrenching. Did the wolf devour the moon? Stories unabridged and told on their forthcoming EP 'Tyr'.

The first BLUE CRIME record will be out in the beginning of the summer of 2015 on the Meduse MagiQ label. White vinyl.
Because all dreams start in the dark...


Fever Feel is an original rock and roll band of 2016, founded by primary songwriters Landon Franklin and Logan Gabert. However, they are much more than just a group of musicians. Fever Feel is a culture, a movement, and part of a new age for rock and roll music.

“There are some rare acts who craft their art from a place of deep introspection that the listener is able to feel in their core. Fever Feel is one of these bands.” – Beatroute Magazine


Catchy tunes, looking to play at YOUR house.

