Вечеринка: Infinity Games X-Wing 100pt Dogfight

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Infinity Games X-Wing 100pt Dogfight

Клуб: Infinity Games

Пойдёт: 2
Дата: 27.08.2017 10:10
Адрес: 22 Currie Street, Adelaide, Australia | покажи на карте »

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Вечеринка: Infinity Games X-Wing 100pt Dogfight

10:10 am Open for a 10:30 start

Standard 100pt Dog fight
Up to 16 player = 4 rounds no cut
Over 16 = 5 rounds no cut
Soft Cap 24 players
30min lunch break after round 2

FFG Quarterly kit plus Store Credit for prizes

Register here:
If you can't that is ok, I can add you on the day.

Bring a playmat if you can and two copies of your list (1 for the TO and one for your opponenets) or 1 copy if you upload your list to TTT above before the event