Вечеринка: Houston L.E.A.D. Cypress Christmas Meeting

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Houston L.E.A.D. Cypress Christmas Meeting

Клуб: Houston LEAD - Cypress

Пойдёт: 2
Дата: 15.12.2015 08:00
Адрес: 9453 Jones Rd, Houston, United States | покажи на карте »

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Вечеринка: Houston L.E.A.D. Cypress Christmas Meeting

Welcome to Houston L.E.A.D. Cypress Chapter Weekly Meeting Announcement: Christmas Sock Exchange and Ugly Christmas Sweaters!

Join us for this special, fun meeting of LEAD Cypress. Wear your favorite ugly Christmas sweater! If you would like to participate in the Christmas Sock Exchange, bring a Christmas sock and stuff it with its mate plus up to $10 worth of goodies. Join us!

Houston L.E.A.D. Cypress Chapter is facilitated by Judith Goldapp Richey - Email: [email protected]