Вечеринка: The Early Night Club

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The Early Night Club

Клуб: Early Night Club

Пойдёт: 10
Дата: 17.09.2015 19:30
Адрес: 4 Rose Crescent, Cambridge, United Kingdom | покажи на карте »

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В этот же день в Cambridge

THURSDAY BINGO 20:00 @ Toft Social Club

Вечеринка: The Early Night Club

September you say? Already? But how can this be? Have we had the summer? Really?

Do we really need to stop drinking rosé and Pimms, eating chargrilled meat (sometimes whilst under an umbrella) and having face paints at random festivals (or being the only person over 12 to have a face paint at a village fete)? Must we stop? Must we?

What’s that you say? There’s a September Early Night Club... and it’s in two weeks? TWO WEEKS? And we’re (possibly) having an Indian Summer (some sunny days anyway), so, we like, totally don’t have to stop with the Pimms, and the burnt sausages and the butterflies on our faces?

Hooray, hooray, hooray. We love you ENC. WE totes love you! Oh – that’s us. Sorry. Still love you, though! Tickets on sale now!