Вечеринка: Clothesline Comedy at Club Garibaldi's

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Clothesline Comedy at Club Garibaldi's

Клуб: Clothesline Comedy

Пойдёт: 19
Дата: 20.02.2015 20:00
Адрес: 2501 S Superior St, Milwaukee, United States | покажи на карте »

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Вечеринка: Clothesline Comedy at Club Garibaldi's

It’s the Dryer Side of Milwaukee’s Comedy Scene!

Clothesline Comedy keeps the laughs hanging in Milwaukee at Club Garibaldi’s. You can catch these rising stars seen on television shows like Laughs on FOX and Comedy Time. The showcase will also feature some hot and fresh regional comedians.

line up:
Sam Norton
Josh Johnson
J Tyler Menz
Greg Bach
Nathyn Gibson

Special Guest: Jhovany Diaz

Hosted by: Steve Breese

$5 cash, always. Door at 8pm/Show at 830pm

After Clothesline Comedy stick around for the band NO/NO starting at 1030! https://www.facebook.com/nonoofficial

2501 S Superior St Milwaukee, WI

Приглашены: Thomas M. Gilbert, Nathyn Gibson, Harrison Colby, Nicole Vant Hoff, Jake Kluth, Tina Nguyen, Danielle Twardowski, Lauryn Molter, Erin Newland, Kaitlin McCarthy, Sam Norton, Jhovany Diaz, Steven Greenwood, J Tyler Menz, Ton Johnson, Debby Kinziger, Matt Werner, Justine Garner, Kaitlyn-Marie Knuckles O'Malia, Jeremy AuuLT, Steve Breese ещё »