Вечеринка: My Life, My Terms, My Passion - Paul Robinson

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My Life, My Terms, My Passion - Paul Robinson

Клуб: Canvas Laugh Club

Пойдёт: 2
Дата: 03.10.2015 18:00
Адрес: Palladium Mall, High Street Phoenix Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India 400013, Mumbai, India | покажи на карте »

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Вечеринка: My Life, My Terms, My Passion - Paul Robinson

Routine work, corporate life & work pressure getting in the way of a joyous life? Get the courage to reinvent your life right now with India's leading motivational speaker Paul Robinson.

The workshop is useful for anyone:
- who wants to take charge of their goals and put their life in the fast lane.
- who wants to accelerate their career prospects in these changing times, instead of getting stuck.
- who wants to get smarter than the smart technology devices they use (which constantly get updates).
- who wants to be in the driving seat of life and willing to enjoy the ride with more certainty and optimism.
- who seeks the confidence by discovering their strength.
- who wants to lead a harmonic life rather than the work life balancing act.

This workshop is a catalyst and a self-discovery process to ignite your true passion, find your inner purpose and to redefine your larger missions for life.

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