Вечеринка: Cantabs Bumps Hog Roast 2016

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Cantabs Bumps Hog Roast 2016

Клуб: Cantabrigian Rowing Club

Пойдёт: 94
Дата: 22.07.2016 19:00
Адрес: Pepys Court, Cambridge, United Kingdom | покажи на карте »

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Вечеринка: Cantabs Bumps Hog Roast 2016

Please join us for the annual Cantabs bumps party with the traditional hog roast.
This year we are doing an online ticket purchase scheme. Tickets can be bought from here:
Click on the orange "Get Tickets"
You'll be emailed an e-ticket which you will be able to exchange for food on the evening.

Adult £13
Veggie £11
Juniors/ Non alcohol ticket £11
Children Under 11 £9

Any questions please feel free to messagel Ro or Rachael.