Вечеринка: Tarabband

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Клуб: Cairo Jazz Club

Пойдёт: 204
Дата: 09.06.2015 22:30
Адрес: 197, 26th July St., Agouza, Giza, Egypt, Cairo, Egypt | покажи на карте »

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MELT, The Hot Pacha Night 23:00 @ Pacha Sharm El-Sheikh

Вечеринка: Tarabband

From Cairo to Baghdad to Sweden, Saz player and front woman, Nadine Khalidi returns to Cairo with her Swedish band, TARABBAND to deliver their intricate fusion melodies, crowned with soft oriental vocals & lyrics.


Entertainment fees: 50LE

House Rules:
Table reservation necessary.
Entrance at door's discretion.
Strictly couples only.
Minimum entry age 25.
Doors close at full capacity.