Вечеринка: BrazilArte | Fitness Test

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BrazilArte | Fitness Test

Клуб: Brazilarte Academy

Пойдёт: 4
Дата: 19.11.2016 09:30
Адрес: Kensington Road, Southend-on-Sea, United Kingdom | покажи на карте »

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Фотографии с вечеринки

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Вечеринка: BrazilArte | Fitness Test

Its important to keep track of your health. If you train regularly you need to know your numbers...

Whether you are tracking your weight, up & down, your Fat %, your cardio, your flexibility you need to know your numbers and keep a track of your progress.

As we age and lifestyles change things change, this report is a great way to keep track of YOUR numbers and help you to make the correct changes & adjustments for YOU!


For just £10 you will get:

▶ A full BrazilArte Fitness Test Report (printed or digital)
▶ Plus a great workout

What does it involve:

▶ Blood pressure test
▶ Fat % test
▶ Weight
▶ Bleep test
▶ Flexibility test
▶ Hang test
▶ Fitness exercises test

There is no competition. You are doing this for YOU, so that you can track your fitness, adjust your GOALS work on your fitness journey.

The BrazilArte FITNESS TEST is available to Members and Non Members.

▲▲▲ To register ▲▲▲

CLICK HERE to book your place: http://bit.ly/FitnessTestNov
via our secure MINDBODY app.

Healthy snacks, smoothies and water will be available to purchase from the Brazilarte Academy Healthy Cafe.
