Вечеринка: Comedy Night with Steve Soelberg

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Comedy Night with Steve Soelberg

Клуб: Bayview Golf & Country Club

Пойдёт: 0
Дата: 18.11.2017 18:00
Адрес: 25 Fairway Heights Drive, Thornhill, Canada | покажи на карте »

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Вечеринка: Comedy Night with Steve Soelberg

Steve started performing stand-up comedy in 2007 as a New Year’s resolution. Since then he has performed on both coasts and a few places in between for crowds as large as 2,500 and as quaint as 7.

Shy and quiet at parties Steve does comedy because he needs attention. Known for his likeness to actor Kevin Bacon, Steve tries to distract you from his face by talking about his painfully nice parents, being attacked by a homeless man's sandwich, and the effects of a radioactive cat bite.

Dinner & Show - $58
Show only - $30

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