Вечеринка: Community Pancake Breakfast: for Project New Hope

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Community Pancake Breakfast:  for Project New Hope

Клуб: Amherst VFW Post 754

Пойдёт: 17
Дата: 27.02.2016 08:00
Адрес: 457 Main St, Amherst, United States | покажи на карте »

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Вечеринка: Community Pancake Breakfast: for Project New Hope

Community Pancake Breakfast hosted by the Amherst V.F.W. Post 754

Pancakes, Bacon, Sausage, Grits with Maple Syrup, Apple and Orange Juice, Milk and Coffee.

Adults $8
Children under 12 yrs $4
under 2yrs free
Veterans with valid ID free


Mission Statement:
Project New Hope Inc. mission is to assist veterans and their families with PTSD, TBI, Military Sexual Trauma, Marital Issues, Chronic Pain Issues and Suicidal thoughts, and other issues that might arise. We are an organization that helps U.S. veterans and their families with addressing the challenges, fears and stigma that they face during and after they have served in our Armed Services. Project New Hope is committed to aiding our service members and their families by providing them the opportunity to get away and reconnect by attending one of our retreats. The organization offers tools for recognizing the symptoms and triggers of military-related occupational stress and injuries, as well as assist in developing coping mechanisms through holistic approaches to healing. All our staff and volunteers are committed to assisting our service members in their pursuit of New Hope and success in all they do.
“Where Veterans Rebuild with Honor”
