Вечеринка: Marion Hotel Sunday's In Fringe 2016

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Marion Hotel Sunday's In Fringe 2016

Клуб: AdelaideComedy.com

Пойдёт: 1
Дата: 21.02.2016 16:00
Адрес: 13 Frome St, Adelaide, Australia | покажи на карте »

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Вечеринка: Marion Hotel Sunday's In Fringe 2016

Adelaide Comedy returns the Adelaide Fringe to the southern suburbs! Lindsay Webb hosts 3 Sunday arvo sessions at The Marion Hotel. Join some of the funniest comedians in town for a laugh and beer at one of the festivals laid-back comedy gems in a pub near you! Join the AdelaideComedy.com email list and get your first ticket free here... www.adelaidecomedy.com/portfolio/join-us/