Вечеринка: Hilda's Back!

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Hilda's Back!

Клуб: Waltzing With Hilda

Пойдёт: 5
Дата: 10.09.2016 19:30
Адрес: Jacksons Lane Art Centre 269a Archway Road, London, United Kingdom | покажи на карте »

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Вечеринка: Hilda's Back!

Having not seen us since early July, hope you're 'quite pleased' to hear that we're gonna be back in your life...... this coming Saturday. And forget all this nonsense about Autumn being almost upon us, we bring SUMMER JOY. We bring SAMBA! Lessons (all levels) start at 7.45pm sharp. (Doors open at 7.30).
We've missed you. We've got some gorgeous moves to teach you, we've got some cracking new tunes to play for you.
Can't wait!