Вечеринка: Birthday Club – Nancy Live
Главная > Venus Club > Birthday Club – Nancy Live
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Reede on taas sünnipäevalaste päralt, mil lavale astub 90ndate diskosaalide kuninganna Nancy. Tantsumuusika kulda ja karda loob DJ Mihkel Eller ning showbaariletil taevalikud Blush Dancers tantsijad. Veebruaris sündinuid tervitavad seksikad jägeretid koos jäiselt külma Jägermeistriga. Ja mis peamine, küünlakuus sündinutele on sissepääs TASUTA!
NB! Soovid sissepääsu eelisjärjekorras? Osta pilet juba täna www.gateme.com/venusclub
Pilet kell 23:00-24:00 € 4.00, kliendikaardiga € 2.00
Alates 24:00 € 8.00, kliendikaardiga € 6.00
Esimesel tunnil kõik määrded poole hinnaga!
If you had a birthday in February, then Venus Club and Jägermeister invites you to a party called Birthday Club. All night long best dance music will be played by DJ Mihkel Eller and special musical show will be made by Estonian 90´s star Nancy. At the Venus Jägerbar – Blush Dancers.
Drink of the night – Jägermeister.
If you had a birthday in February, then show you ID card and you will get a free entrance.
Skip the queue and buy a VIP ticket here: www.gateme.com/venusclub
Ticket 23:00-24:00 € 4, with Client Card € 2.00
After 24:00 € 8.00, with Client Card € 6.00
All drinks half price during first hour!