Вечеринка: APK May Flea!
Главная > The APK > APK May Flea!
Пойдёт: 7
Дата: 17.05.2015 12:00
Адрес: 347 Clarence St., London, Canada | покажи на карте »
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The APK Flea is a Community Market to spotlight the amazing talents of our good friends who make things, repurpose things, or find cool objects and bring them to our attention.
This month's vendors include:
Rejected clothing
PkmonMasterTash creations
Hooks gone wild
Awesome oddities
Hollies junk is your treasure
Dezzi Q
Birdhouses for LifePaths Global Alliance and LGA - LifePaths Online Yard Sale for Haiti Relief
No charge/ family friendly!
No charge for not-for profits or community organizations. to get a table.
Vendors are asked to INBOX Amber Johnson if they are interested. https://www.facebook.com/amber.johnson.54966834