Вечеринка: IKIZ promo party & dance classes with Nemanja Sonero
Главная > Tantsustuudio Làtin Pàssion > IKIZ promo party & dance classes with Nemanja Sonero
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Дата: 09.09.2017 19:00
Адрес: Pikk 14, Tartu, Estonia | покажи на карте »
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Tere kõigile!
Üks kuumimaid festivale, iKIZ, toimub mõne kuu pärast oktoobris. Sel põhjusel tuleb taas Tartusse meie armastatud Nemanja Sonero, promoma iKIZ-i vahva peo ning tantsutundidega ehk et ees ootab õhtu ja öö täis rohket tantsu!
Hoidke seega kindlasti muudest plaanidest vabana LAUPÄEV, 9. september, et tulla lüüa meiega kampa stuudios!
19:00-20:15 → Tantsutund #1
20:30-21:45 → Tantsutund #2
From 21:45 → Tantsupidu kahes ruumis
Kummalgi tantsutunnil on erinev teema ning mõlemad on mõeldud areneja/keskatsemel tantsijaile.
Info & registreerimine on avatud aadressil http://latinpassion.ee/training/114
NEMANJA SONERO on hästi tuntud kui üks mitmekülgsemaid tantsijaid Kagu-Euroopas.
Varasest noorusest saati on ta õppinud nii klassikalist kui kaasaegset balletti, capoeirat, afro-, afro-brasiilia ja afro-kuuba rahvatantse, hip-hoppi, tangot jne.
Esimest korda puutus ta semba muusikaga kokku aastal 2004, koos sõpradega Angola saatkonnast, ning esmakohtumine kizombaga oli 2007. aastal. Sealtpeale on tal olnud mitmeid erinevaid õpetajaid Angoolast, Cape Verdest ja Portugalist, kes on tugevalt mõjutanud ja motiveerinud Nemanjat arendamaks välja tema oma unikaalse sujuva ja täpse stiili, mis on toonud talle tuntust nii üle Euroopa kui ka kogu maailmas.
Tantsupõrandal näeme!
Hello everyone!
One of the hottest festivals, iKIZ, is taking place this coming October, and for this reason, our dear Nemanja Sonero is coming back to Tartu for a fun iKIZ promo party with workshops and lots of dancing!
So, make sure to not make any plans this coming SATURDAY, 9th of September, and join us at the studio!
Schedule for the day:
19:00-20:15 → Workshop #1
20:30-21:45 → Workshop #2
From 21:45 → Dance party in two rooms
Each workshop covers a different topic. Both workshops are for improvers/intermediate dancers.
Info & registrations are open at http://latinpassion.ee/training/114
NEMANJA SONERO is known as one of the most versatile and famous dancers from South East Europe.
Since the young age, he studied classical as well as contemporary ballet, capoeira, afro, afro-brasilian, afro-cuban folk dance, hip hop, tango, etc…
The first time he saw Semba music was 2004 with his friends from the Angolan embasy, and then 2007 his first contact with Kizomba. After that with many different teachers from Angola, Cape Verde, Portugal, which influenced and motivated him a lot to developed his own unique smooth and precise style which got him known all over Europe and the world.
See you on the dance floor!