Вечеринка: Hot Club Gallois

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Hot Club Gallois

Клуб: Swansea Jazzland

Пойдёт: 3
Дата: 15.07.2015 20:30
Адрес: St James Club, Swansea, United Kingdom | покажи на карте »

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Вечеринка: Hot Club Gallois

Hot Club Gallois, are a welsh group inspired by the music of Django Rienhardt and Stephane Grapelli. Their music evokes the style and elegance of 1930's Paris and draws on passion and romance of the gypsy Jazz tradition. Their repertoire includes classic Jazz standards, profound ballads, swaying bossas and traditional gypsy waltzes and boleros.

Richard Jones (guitar)
Luke Archard (guitar)
Xenia Porteous (violin)
Mike Morgan (bass)
Admission Price: Standard £10 Members £7