Вечеринка: I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream
Главная > SHERWOOD PINES CYCLING CLUB > I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream
Пойдёт: 1
Дата: 01.07.2017 09:30
Адрес: Sherwood pines cycles, sherwood pines forest park, Mansfield, United Kingdom | покажи на карте »
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Meet outside the shop at 0930 for a steady paced ride to Newfield Dairy Ice cream parlour at Hockerton. Off road with the exception of a few mile at Hockerton. Really nice ice cream and lunches served there. Approx 35 miles. All welcome. If you are coming please say so on the event, please do not say coming and not turn up to avoid us waiting for you.