Вечеринка: HOT TOPIC x Empower!
Главная > SchwuZ > HOT TOPIC x Empower!
Пойдёт: 1
Дата: 15.09.2017 23:00
Адрес: Rollbergstr. 26, Berlin, Germany | покажи на карте »
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music & politics
QUEER-POP: Prince William, marsmädchen, Dom Iver
EMPOWER!-Floor: Projekt Gestalten, SANNI, Neighbourhood Character
ROCKMUSIK: trust.the.girl, Lennox
LIVE: Schœneberg
VISUALS by Zoey Vero
Projekt Gestalten (https://soundcloud.com/gestalten)
Projekt Gestalten is one of Diego Garcia's artistic identities, a Brazilian artist living in Berlin. He is also behind VRAAA Records, a label with the mission to open a space for queer, queer-friendly and feminine artists within the context of a more aggressive and hypnotic approach to techno. Having spent LITERALLY every single weekend from the last four years as both raver & artist on dance floors around the world, but, mostly in Berlin and clocking countless and countless of hours being exposed to techno, Diego built a name for himself in the Berliner nightlife and is deeply connected with its scene. His sets can be either cinematic, melodic, aggressive or hypnotic but, most of all, he is eager to share a story, his story, throughout the music with the audience.
Neighbourhood Character (https://soundcloud.com/fresh_fruet)
The Neighbourhood Character is an electronic producer, vocalist, DJ, and cultural researcher from Oakland, CA and Austin TX. After being featured on a remix for The Knife, co-produced with Tama Sumo and Lakuti under the name Tarantism, she was invited by Panorama resident Tama Sumo to share a bill at Expatriarch's Generations, and since then has continued to DJ and develop her own productions. In 2015, Tales from Caturday, a collaboration with OAK/NYC-based artist Afrikan Sciences, was released on Uzuri Recordings as the part 2 of “The Wilderness Sessions”-- a series representative of all things ‘leftfield’ on the label. In addition to pursuing interventionist research around politics and praxes of difference engaged by QTI / POC cultural workers in the electronic music industry, Ari hosts a show on Berlin Community Radio, where she also participated in the first cycle of their Incubator initiative. Her solo debut, Street Food EP, is forthcoming in 2017 on Uzuri Recordings.
Schœneberg (LIVE) (http://www.schoenebergmusic.com/)
Das Berliner Indie-Elektronik Duo lernte sich zufällig auf einem Happening in Berlin Schöneberg kennen und entschied - überwältigt von der Energie tanzender nackter Körper und der Magie allumfassender Wertschätzung - eine gemeinsame Reise durch die Musik anzutreten, quer durch alle Genres und ohne Einschränkung [œ]. Dank ausgiebiger musikalischer Ausflüge in die Sphären des Punk, Elektro, Noise, Blues, Indie und Rock, werden schœnebergs Kinder zweifellos mit drei Armen und tausend Augen geboren - und ganz bestimmt immer mit einem lebendigem Herzen. The Berlin based Indie-Electro Duo met coincidently as strangers at an otherworldly happening in Berlin Schöneberg and decided - overwhelmed by the energy of floating naked bodies and by the magic of all-embracing appreciation - to kick off a journey of music together, through all genres, without boundaries [œ]. Thanks to their extensive trips through spheres of punk, electro, noise, blues, indie and rock, schœneberg ́s bastard kids will undoubtly have three arms and a thousand eyes but always a warm heart.
Sanni ist eine Electronic Performerin und DJ der Berliner underground Szene. Ihr Alleinstellungsmerkmal ist die Vielfältigkeit ihrer Musik. Ihr einmaliger Sound ist die Kombination aus unterschiedlichen Musikgenres und kulturellen Einflüssen. Mit einer klassischen musikalischen Ausbildung als Afro-Perkussionistin schafft sie dieses Kunststück sowohl als House-Techno DJ als auch in ihrem Soloprojekt als Komponistin und Sängerin einwandfrei. Und so kann ein Hip Hop Flow schon mal in sanft gezupfte Gitarrenmelodien übergehen. Widersprüchlich ist das für Sanni nicht. Im Gegenteil mit ihren treibenden Beats oder mit melancholisch angehauchten, feministischen Liedtexten, nimmt die gebürtige Brasilianerin den Zuhörenden* mit auf eine Reise durch die verschiedenen Sounds der Welt.
Solishots & lnfostand: TFD
Entrance fee: 7 Euros till midnight, 9 Euros afterwards
+ + +
HOT TOPIC is a queerfeministic project at SchwuZ hosting DJ*s, producers and artists offside the heteronormative party-mainstream. HOT TOPIC especially celebrates women, lesbian, trans* and genderqueer people, POC and black artists behind the desks and on stage.
It's not only a party but a forum for networking that gives home to diverse queerfeministic scenes & topics as well as their rebels and cuties. Each HOT TOPIC supports a political group or project with an infostand and donations.
The party offers a wide range of musical styles from queerfeministic tunes to pop, house, Hip Hop as well as R’nB and rock music. It seeks to celebrate and (re)present all those who challenge our perception of mainstream-nightlife and heteronormativity in general – bc queerfeminism is our sexy HOT TOPIC!
The donations collected in 2016 (3165,00€)
were received by:
01: Beratungs- und Aktionszentrum Friedland (baz)
02: Union des Réfugié*es de Berlin-Brandenbourg (URBB)
03: Reclaim the Beats
04: Wiederaufbau in Leipzig nach Naziangriffen
05: Kreuzberger CSD
06: Schwules Museum*
07: Berlin lreland Pro-Choice Solidarity
08: Refugee Support Projekt
09: TransInterQueer (TriQ)
10: WG DonYa - Wildwasser e.V.
11: Antira-Gruppe ménage à trois
12: KAMBIUM (Supportgruppe für Geflüchtete)