Вечеринка: Tales from the Campfire

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Tales from the Campfire

Клуб: Push Comedy Theater

Пойдёт: 4
Дата: 07.04.2018 20:00
Адрес: 763 Granby St, Norfolk, United States | покажи на карте »

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Вечеринка: Tales from the Campfire

The Push presents a frightful night of comedy (or is it a hilarious night of frights).

Tales from the Campfire has quickly become one of the Push's biggest hits.

With an audience suggestion, this talented group of improvisers will make up a series of gut-busting ghost story right before your eyes.

Tales from the Campfire: The Improvised Ghost Story
Saturday, April 7th at 8pm
Tickets are $5

I ain't afraid of no ghost!