Вечеринка: Inaugural Pints Cricket and Netball Ball

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Inaugural Pints Cricket and Netball Ball

Клуб: Pints Netball Club

Пойдёт: 31
Дата: 19.08.2017 19:00
Адрес: 165 Abala Road, Darwin, Australia | покажи на карте »

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Вечеринка: Inaugural Pints Cricket and Netball Ball

Buy your tickets NOW!

Join us for the inaugural Pints Cricket and Netball Ball

Tickets are $100 and will include dinner and a couple of hours drinks. Non-drinkers and under 18's are $70 (there's a cash bar too).

Partners and other supporters are all welcome.

Netball details - use your name and 'ball' as reference);
Account Name: Pints Netball Club
BSB: 805-050
Account Number: 102093867
Or pay cash to Nadine