Вечеринка: RAY'S CABARET!

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Вечеринка: RAY'S CABARET!

Ray's singer's from "Die Etage" are bringing you another night of Musical Theater Cabaret on the big stage at Monster Ronson's! From 10 - 11, enjoy the Etage Singers special performances, followed by Open Stage Cabaret beginning at 11pm, with host Prince William!

*The Cabaret performances begin at 10 sharp! Don't be late!*

Приглашены: Jon Campbell, Jaime Sydenstricker, John Alexander, Raymond Thompson, PrinceWilliam E. Morris, Katja Pritzel, Elke Chambers, Bo Suraphong Tumthong, Sean Jermaine Chambers, Christoph Deuter, Stella Etoile, Frauke Heiner, Johnny Ballantine, Jjane Annilore, Lara Antonia Heine