Вечеринка: Messy Mondays New York - The Mean Fiddler - Click attending for free entry

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Messy Mondays New York - The Mean Fiddler - Click attending for free entry

Клуб: Messy Nights

Пойдёт: 6
Дата: 18.07.2016 22:00
Адрес: 130 - 133 St Stephen's Green West, Dublin 2, Ireland, Dublin, Ireland | покажи на карте »

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Вечеринка: Messy Mondays New York - The Mean Fiddler - Click attending for free entry

The last two mondays have been serious craic!

So Messy Mondays have been helping you get the shift in Ireland for a while now, and if you've been we're sure the Mean Fiddler has been helping you here, so it's nuts we haven't done this yet!

So go enjoy the fireworks, and head into the Mean Fiddler after for serious craic and lots of shifting!

Free entry before 12 if you join the event!

Anyone who was around last year knows you can exepct:
-Serious tunes
-Drink promotions
-Dancing on tables
-Lots of shifting!

★The Mean Fiddler, New York★

Drink promotions are:
$4 Beers / $6 Vodkas!

Over 21s for Entry | ID Required | ROAR