Вечеринка: Dark Side of the Dead at the Lincoln Theatre! (Celebrating 50 years of music from both The Grateful Dead and Pink Floyd)

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Dark Side of the Dead at the Lincoln Theatre! (Celebrating 50 years of music from both The Grateful Dead and Pink Floyd)

Клуб: Lincoln Theatre

Пойдёт: 32
Дата: 11.04.2015 19:30
Адрес: 126 E Cabarrus St, Raleigh, United States | покажи на карте »

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Вечеринка: Dark Side of the Dead at the Lincoln Theatre! (Celebrating 50 years of music from both The Grateful Dead and Pink Floyd)

Cosmic Charlie has taken the Dead experience to a new level with “Dark Side Of The Dead”.

Dark Dide Of The Dead is a hybrid show featuring the music of both the Grateful Dead and Pink Floyd. The centerpiece of the show is a live performance of Pink Floyd’s legendary “Dark Side Of The Moon” album. The album is performed start-to-finish, by the Cosmic Charlie “big band” that includes two drummers, 4 keyboards, backup singers & saxophone. Before and after the Dark Side album performance, Cosmic Charlie will offer up two heaping helpings of it’s signature high energy Grateful Dead.

Приглашены: Melanie Green Stokes, Jenna Beckham, Katie Hendrick, Crystal D'Auria, Caroline Parnin, Lindsey Grace Zimmer, Kate Keating Thompson, Penny Page, Nick MacDaniels, Jack Tyler Johnson, Brittany Harrell, La Ura Fox, Nathan Vick, Stefanie Iovale, Dave Stott, Bill Fathauer, Erika Selman, Brittany Elise, Bill Zimmer, Dorsey Manning, Emily Potts Beach ещё »