Вечеринка: In the Lounge

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In the Lounge

Клуб: Le Club Calumet

Пойдёт: 1
Дата: 26.06.2015 18:00
Адрес: 334 West River Rd, Augusta, United States | покажи на карте »

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Вечеринка: In the Lounge

Welcome Members & your guests! We will be having another no cost "In the Lounge" evening with the sounds of Acoustic Chi (Tina Charest & Jeff Noel) playing. 50/50 raffle, great friends & a Pot Luck supper. If you are interested in pitching in on the supper there is a sign up sheet at the bar to help alleviate duplication. For more info please contact Lisa Ringuette-Annunziata.