Вечеринка: HHUSC ENTS: The Ice Cream Bikinis

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HHUSC ENTS: The Ice Cream Bikinis

Клуб: Haywards Heath United Services Club

Пойдёт: 0
Дата: 07.03.2015 21:00
Адрес: 6-8 Wivelsfield Road, Haywards Heath, United Kingdom | покажи на карте »

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Вечеринка: HHUSC ENTS: The Ice Cream Bikinis

The Ice Cream Bikinis play a Neapolitan mix of post punk classics, rocked up 60’s hits all lightly sprinkled with some modern pop and rock.

From The Buzzcocks to Blondie, Dusty to Duffy, The Ice Cream Bikini’s serve only one purpose: Pure, joyous entertainment!

One mix, many flavours . . . fancy a bite of this 5-piece band?

Starting at 9pm.

£1 entrance fee for guests.

Band Website: http://www.icecreambikinis.com/

Приглашены: Trudi Brookes, Debbie Knox