Вечеринка: Good Room // Kai Alce + Sagotsky + Soul 2 Seoul - Homebrew Vol.1

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Good Room // Kai Alce + Sagotsky + Soul 2 Seoul - Homebrew Vol.1

Клуб: Good Room

Пойдёт: 0
Дата: 14.05.2015 22:00
Адрес: 98 Meserole Ave, Brooklyn, United States | покажи на карте »

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Вечеринка: Good Room // Kai Alce + Sagotsky + Soul 2 Seoul - Homebrew Vol.1

Homebrew Vol. 1
Kai Alce
Soul 2 Seoul - Basement Floor

Entry - $10 / Doors - 10pm / +21 gig

There’s a humble power about Kai Alce.
Perhaps it’s a combination of his Haitian roots, his youth spent in St. Croix, and his New York City upbringing. It is evident when he steps behind the turntables or CDJs, where he is at once clearly comfortable and believe it or not, just a tad bit nervous.After more than 20 years in the business, yes, “The Kaizer” still gets butterflies.

That’s probably what makes Kai Alce (pronounced al-SAY) such a force: He doesn’t settle down, blend in or go along. That integrity comes through in every gig he’s worked – from his early days at Detroit’s Music Institute when he was just teenager, to the 10-year-long DEEP legacy at MJQ that he co-founded, to the production company, NDATL, that he created in 2008.

Alce now heads up the most highly anticipated house party at the Detroit Electronic Music Fest, beginning in 2008 & now celebrating it’s 6 year in 2014. And his cultivation of the Atlanta scene continues with the Distinctive monthly at the Sound Table. What’s good is that, just like always, Alce is ready to put in work – staying true to house music, DJing for DJing’s sake, pushing himself … and us on the dancefloor.
