Вечеринка: VAMA, live on stage!

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VAMA, live on stage!

Клуб: Fratelli Timisoara

Пойдёт: 0
Дата: 03.02.2017 22:00
Адрес: 1 Bd Corneliu Coposu, Timisoara, Romania | покажи на карте »

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Вечеринка: VAMA, live on stage!

VAMA, live on stage!

On Friday, 3rd of February, Fratelli proudly announces one of the most popular bands: VAMA, live on stage at Fratelli Lounge & Club Timisoara.

Join us, to sing all together songs like “Perfect fara tine”, “Copilul care aleagra catre mare” ,and the new single “ Ghosts at war”!

Let’s rock the night.

See you at the concert, on Friday, 3rd of February starting 10 pm at Fratelli Lounge & Club Timisoara.

For reservations: [email protected]/ +4.0722.122.123
Fratelli reserves the right to select its clients, due to the capacity of the locations and the reservation list.

Yours truly,

Access 18+
Never drink & drive
We do not endorse the use of drugs