Вечеринка: The Misbehavers!

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The Misbehavers!

Клуб: Fratelli Timisoara

Пойдёт: 2
Дата: 12.05.2017 23:30
Адрес: 1 Bd Corneliu Coposu, Timisoara, Romania | покажи на карте »

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В этот же день в Timisoara

Hodor at Heaven Outdoor 23:00 @ Heaven Timisoara

Вечеринка: The Misbehavers!

The Misbehavers!

We are really not saying we should misbehave, but when it comes to Friday night in Fratelli Timisoara, we say we ought to at least look as if we did. Right? Get it?

And yes, we’re having Julyan Dubson and Lucian K on for the night. There’s no prediction on what they’re up to, but we know for sure it has to do with some misbehaving stuff, like super intense music, unstoppable vibes and an urge to dance like never before.

So you see, when it comes to Friday, it’s all about The Misbehavers and a wild party ahead.

For reservations: [email protected] | 0722.122.123
Fratelli reserves the right to select its clients, due to the capacity of the locations and the reservation list.

Access 18+
Never drink & drive
We do not endorse the use of drugs