Вечеринка: Summer Kick off Party!
Главная > Fatty's Bar > Summer Kick off Party!
*NO COVER* Summer summer summer time! Congratulations to the graduates of Spring 2017! Finals are OVER and it's time to turn up! Join Wild 101 Idaho's Party Station to kick off summer the right way! Students with a valid ID get $3 wells all night! We're giving away $100 to 3 lucky winners! Tons of drink specials!
$4 - Cucumber Melon Shots
$5 - Straberry Margaritas
$6 - Long Island
$6 - Island Punch
Saturday Drink Specials:
$3 16oz PBR/Rolling Rock Cans
$3 Squirt Shots
$4 Panty Droppers
$4 Fuzzy Lemons
$5 Blue Lagoons
$5 Whisker Biscuits
$6 Pendleton
$8 Irish Trash Cans