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Olete oodatud eriüritusele SUNSET STRIP @ Club Hollywood !
Ürituse kulminatsiooniks on maailmas palavalt armastatud popdiiva SONIQUE’i umbes 90-minutiline etteaste. Tema LIVE + DJ seti raames toob Sunset Strip teieni artisti uhiuue singli “Carry On” maailma esmaesituse !
DJ’d toovad teieni parimaid mix'e elektroonilisest tantsumuusikast (EDM) ja lõpetavad vocal house hümnidega !
Külaliste meeli kütavad kuumaks säravates kostüümides Sunset Strip’i tantsijad oma võluva ja eksootilise show’ga.
Ilu jätkub majas kauemaks tänu VipMedicum’ile! Väljapaistvaid stseene salvestab VideoTurundus.
Soenguid teeb külalistele "ghd" (Good Hair Day) ja hõrgutisi pakub Sushique
Sunset Stripi kõige erilisemad momendid salvestab VideoTurundus
Dresscode: Sunset Strip (www.sunsetstripthemovie.com)
Laua broneerimine +372 56 51 540 või [email protected]
www.ClubHollywood.ee @ Vana-Posti 8, Tallinn
Strong face & style control
Pilet 13€ / 25€ Vip

NB! Kõigil ürituse toetajatel on üks ühine näitaja. Nimelt, kui linna vahvamad öölokaalid pakuvad inimese mõistusele ja hingele tasakaalustavat vaheldust tavarutiinist, järgneb sellele reeglina vaevaline taastumisprotsess. Seega otsustasime selle ürituse raames kaasata võimalikult vastutustundlikuid / tervislikke tooteid / ravivaid ja noorendavaid teenuseid pakkuvad ettevõtted.

Welcome to SUNSET STRIP @ Club Hollywood !
The main artist of the night is the One and Only pop diva - Sonique! Deeply adored by her many world famous songs and her highly developed dj skills, she is now taking on more flight miles than ever! Her LIVE performance will also feature the world premiere of her brand new single “Carry On” !

The internationally reknowned DJ’s will bring you a selection of the best vocal house hits, moving through deep house anthems and touching down with EDM.
Guests shall be entertained by sensual dancers in glam costumes, putting on a charming show.
Styling hair for our beloved guests is "ghd" (Good Hair Day) and delicacies provided by Sushique.
The most exciting scenes are to be captured and combined together by VideoTurundus.
Dresscode: Sunset Strip (www.sunsetstripthemovie.com)
Table reservations +372 56 51 540 or [email protected]
www.ClubHollywood.ee @ Vana-Posti 8, Tallinn
Strong Face & Style control @ the door
Entrance 13€ / 25€ VIP
After passing through face control we kindly ask of you to drink responsively. :)

NB! All the companies supporting the night have one factor in common. Namely, the night-time entertainers usually provide relaxation and create some balance to our stressful daytime routines, but since the recovery process is mostly the part where people are having trouble with then we decided that the supporters of the event should be the ones giving You ideas on how the next day should be looking like. :) These companies are either environmentally responsible, provide services and products which are good for you or rejuvenate you in the most harmless ways.

Мы ждем Вас на специальном мероприятии SUNSET STRIP в клубе Hollywood
Кульминацией мероприятия будет горячо любимая поп дива SONIQUE, которая подарит 90-минутное выступление. Впервые на всеобщее обозрение в рамках ее LIVE + DJ сета Sunset Strip представит Вам свежий сингл „Carry on“ - World Premiere!
Диджеи порадуют Вас c Vocal & Deep House и POP!
Градус настроения будут повышать танцовщицы в ярких костюмах Sunset Strip своим завораживаюм и экзотическим шоу.
Красота на мероприятии не будет кончаться, благодаря vipMedicum !
Самые яркие моменты мероприятия Sunset Strip снимает VideoTurundus
Дресс-код: Sunset Strip (www.sunsetstripthemovie.com)
Бронировка столиков по телефону +372 56 51 540 или [email protected]
www.ClubHollywood.ee @ Vana-Posti 8, Tallinn
Приглашение действует для двоих
Strong face & style control
www.clubhollywood.ee/sunsetstrip или FB: Sunset Strip Club Hollywood
Билет 13€ / 25€ VIP

Приглашены: Indrek Vainu, Keith Siilats, William Ross, Stefano Grace, Tõnn Kuuli, Clément Le Ricousse, Liis Berendsen Rametta, Maria Shevchenko, Uku Suviste, Kambiz Zand, Bryan Hildebrand, Krish Raja, Дядя Вася, Merilyn Keskula, Harri Hanson, Mariliis Siff, Erkki Torn, Cory M. Best, Vishal Tulsian, Meriliis Rinne, Marleen Tarik ещё »