Вечеринка: BOUND AFFAIRS "L I V E "
Главная > CloudNine > BOUND AFFAIRS "L I V E " @ CloudNine sat.19/12
Пойдёт: 2
Дата: 19.12.2015 22:00
Адрес: Marinou Antipa 66, Iráklion, Greece | покажи на карте »
Оповестим сразу, как только будут добавлены фотографии с вечеринки
Bound: tied with or as if with a rope
Affair(s): that which is done or is to be done; matter; concern; as a different affair to manage; business of any kind, commercial, professional, or public; often is the plural.
Now let’s put the word Affairs next to Bound.
BOUND AFFAIRS…it sounds like a bomb or something, unless it hides a different meaning. It’s a concept /music band, something is happening here!!!
Maybe that’s because long before the three men who came together and formed the band, they already hit the mark with enough individual appearances to several gigs and now found the way to make their needs turn to a common vision.
So what about the future? The band arouses the idea to acquire their own separate identity, escaping the known musical stereotypes. With a lot of work in the studio and after the ideas of the members were put in order, the result of this creative collaboration was founded with the release of the first self titled album.
Members: Stelios Draculis Guitars-Vox Johnny Sakketos Guitar-Keys-Vox Kostas Ragazas Bass Spiros Xoromidis Keyboards - Piano Kostas Xristodoulou Drums - percussion
Τιμή μπύρας,κρασιού από 4e
Ποτού από 7e
Cocktail από 8e
Φιάλης από 70e
(Χρέωση +3e στην κατανάλωση του πρώτου ποτού για το live)