Вечеринка: Talk - The Dublin Docker - Aileen O'Carroll
Главная > Clontarf Yacht & Boat Club > Talk - The Dublin Docker - Aileen O'Carroll
Working Lives of Dublin's Deep-Sea Port Dockers
As a port city, Dublin owes much to the labourers who strove against the heavy-duty tide of imports and exports; a league of thousands who were hired on a day-to-day basis for generations,. The Dublin Docker is a sumptuously illustrated history that determines the dockers’ and stevedores’ importance as an industrial subculture within the Dublin that they navigated.. How they negotiated working hours and pay, the changes that came with epochal events – the Dublin Lockout, the First World War, the Easter Rising and War of Independence – and the innumerable myths and ‘dark stories’ that shrouded their image: The Dublin Docker is a history of the dockers and their deep-woven connection to the city.