Вечеринка: AOPHX Women's World Cup Bar Crawl

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AOPHX Women's World Cup Bar Crawl

Клуб: AOPHX - American Outlaws Phoenix

Пойдёт: 4
Дата: 13.06.2015 02:00
Адрес: Valley of the Outlaws, Phoenix, United States | покажи на карте »

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Вечеринка: AOPHX Women's World Cup Bar Crawl


Directly after the USWNT World Cup Match vs Sweden, AOPHX will take over Downtown PHX in a Bar Crawl!!!

5:00p - 7:00p: USWNT game at Tilted Kilt
7:30-8:45: Crescent Ballroom
9:00-10:15: Rose and Crown
10:30-Midnight: Mother Bunch Brewing

It's hard finding places that say it's cool for 25 people to just show up on a Friday night. These places worked with me. Crescent can't reserve anything for us but they will be prepared for us showing up at least. Rose and Crown is setting aside some tables on the patio for us, and Mother Bunch is putting aside space for us as well.

If anyone is still left standing when Mother Bunch closes at midnight, I suggest a night cap at Seamus McCaffrey's. Not sure how many people we will have left by then though.

Lastly, I would highly recommend Uber for getting home that night. If you haven't used it before, sign up and use offer code wm9bu. It will get us both $20 off a ride. $20 will get you to most places in the Valley.

See everyone Friday!!

AOPHX - American Outlaws Phoenix