Вечеринка: Live at Gonzo / Tracy Bryant (US)

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Live at Gonzo / Tracy Bryant (US)

Клуб: The Gonzo Club Zürich

Пойдёт: 28
Дата: 07.12.2017 21:00
Адрес: Langstr 135, Zürich, Switzerland | покажи на карте »

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Вечеринка: Live at Gonzo / Tracy Bryant (US)

Deftly switching gears between The Gun Club’s piercing howl and Peter Murphy’s brooding goth-pop, Bryant showcases an affinity for the anti-hero and the outcast in his ramshackle rock ‘n’ roll. While Tracy Bryant’s music may call out as a memento from the lonely highway, we can’t help but wish to join him on his journey." less

