Вечеринка: Walk The Camino Salvado Pilgrim Trail, WA

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Walk The Camino Salvado Pilgrim Trail, WA

Клуб: Adventurous Women

Пойдёт: 1
Дата: 16.10.2016 08:00
Адрес: Wellington Street Tourist Coach Stand, Perth, Australia | покажи на карте »

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Вечеринка: Walk The Camino Salvado Pilgrim Trail, WA

When you begin the Camino Salvado Pilgrim Trail you walk into a story….. your story!

The Pilgrim Trail, not only links the city with the bush, it also links us to our past and to our future... we invite you to join with us and leave your footprint in the story of The Pilgrim Trail, walking from Perth to New Norcia

The Journey

It began with the idea of taking time out to think about who we are and where we are going in our lives.

The Inspiration

It was established in the spirit of Dom Rosendo Salvado, a Spanish Benedictine who came to serve the Indigenous people in the early Swan River Settlement.

The Spirituality

We have discovered so many stories that recounted the friendships between so many different people from so many different cultures.

If you'd like to join Adventurous Women's Inaugural Camino Salvado Pilgrim Trail Walk in 2016, CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW FOR MORE INFO & HOW TO BOOK http://www.adventurouswomen.com.au/adventure/travel-australia/camino-salvado-pilgrims-trailwestern-australia-239-11.php