Вечеринка: Return of the Silence Shoot

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Return of the Silence Shoot

Клуб: Spiral-DanceBar Lansing

Пойдёт: 4
Дата: 03.10.2015 21:00
Адрес: 1247 Center St, Lansing, United States | покажи на карте »

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Участники - Женщины

Участники - Мужчины

Фотографии с вечеринки

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Вечеринка: Return of the Silence Shoot

We're partnering our Kiki Saturdays with the Silence Shoot, a photo shoot that's a way for people to show their stance against the bullying and suicide of young people. Photographer Matt Pruitt will be taking over our photo booth for anyone who wants to participate. This fundraiser will be raising money to support the Trevor Project. The Silence Shoot has been running since 2011.

With DJ John Cruz

Free for 21+ before 10pm, $5 after and $10 for 18-20 all night.